FM LOGISTIC - Vie de l’entreprise
In today's fast-paced and competitive world, we understood that finding happiness at work has become an important aspect of leading a fulfilling life for our employees
- Vie de l’entreprise

Which is why we made sure to collect their feedback, once again, through an organization that cares just as much about their wellbeing: ChooseMyCompany - Avis Certifiés ESG.

And we are more than thrilled to say that we have been certified HappyIndex®AtWork for Starters World for the 5th year in a row.


This year it means:

555 participants

10 countries

An overall score of 4,17/5

But mostly, a better understanding of our collaborators’ expectations and their needs, and a clearer vision of our future together.

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, we understood that finding happiness at work has become an important aspect of leading a fulfilling life for our employees - Vie de l’entreprise