Strategic Data Analyst (H/F) - Limagrain
Supervised by the Head of Research Operations (based in the USA), and in collaboration with 4 Research Operations Managers (based in France, Italy, Japan and USA) you will contribute to: Compile and cross-reference all the data in R&D Operations to make the best decisions(plant support process, workforce performance study, cross-functional projects, impact studies, KPI statistics per station, etc.). Thus, after a learning period, you will be able to propose improvements or even new research saving and supporting actions. That being said, you will also be in charge of recording, managing, and providing consolidated view on the allocation of resources(complete ROI assessment, resource demand, HR allocation, and finances support during OPEX and CAPEX reviews). Good at communication, you’ll prepare data results (monthly) in English with different interlocutors(local and global team managers, marketing department, finance, HR etc.) in the formats that are best suited for global performance analysis (graphs, tables, detailed reports, etc.) Finally, you`ll participate in supporting of IT tools and databases (local or centralized), allowing good traceability and reliability of data. For this global role, flexible hours are required(adjustment of work schedules to collaborate with people located in other time zones will be offered). Plan for approximately 1 week of travel / year.